I just love photographing things and putting them together to tell a story. ”

– Christopher Nolan

I just love photographing things and putting them together to tell a story. ”

– Christopher Nolan


Detailed study of the project, location recce and discussion with the client is required before we make the concept and strategy for the shoot of the film. We discuss the thematic structure of the film and finalize the script with the approval of the client before we go for the actual shoot.
Ideation / Script writing / Casting / Strategy for Production


During the actual shoot we make sure to use the best of the cinematic cameras/accessorie /actors that are available within the stipulated budget. We make sure to go for the best options available without compromising on the quality at any cost.
Directing / Hiring of Crew and External vendors / Logistics management


After the production, we straight away get into the post production phase of the film wherein the footage gets transferred to the editing studio. The post production happens in a well known studio in Mumbai. The studio is fully equipped with a high end editing suite required for any kind of well designed film. While editing the film, background music of the film is composed simultaneously in the studio. Implementation of motion graphics and VFX is done at this stage as well.
Editing / Sound design / Motion graphics / VFX / Color grading

Meet the Team


Director / Cinematographer / Photographer
Prabuddha is the Director of Buddha Film & Entertainment. An alumnus of National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, Prabuddha has been working as a filmmaker, professional photographer and cinematographer for 13 years. His photography work has been published in magazines like Better photography and Tasveer Journal and has been exhibited at various international venues.

Prior to studying at NID, Prabuddha finished post graduation in Economics from Banaras Hindu University. His background in Economics inclines him to work on subjects related to social concerns apart from corporate/Ad/fiction films. The film projects led him to travel extensively to places where he had to document human lives and their ethos. His films have shown in film festivals such as Kolkata International Children’s Film Festival and few other international film festivals.

Prabuddha Paul

Pranay Kantal

Photographer/Assistant Cinematographer/Post-production Supervisor

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Prabuddha Paul

Rituparna Roy

Art Direction/Research

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Prabuddha Paul

Srimanta Sardar

Senior Cinematographer

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Prabuddha Paul

Ankush Das

Sr. Editor

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